ASCOM Meade Telescope Driver

A driver for the original Meade LX200 ("classic") telescope mounts.


Install a driver for the original Meade LX200 ("classic") telescope mounts (including the 16"), as well as Meade telescopes that use the Autostar I (#494, #495 and #497) controllers, such as the ETX and DS series.

This driver provides both telescope and focuser interfaces each of which may be used by separate programs. It also has support for an improved form of PulseGuide. Do not use this with the LX200GPS, LX200R or the RCX400. V5.0.3 corrects an installer error.

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Lang 8 years ago

Hello, everyone, I use a Meade LX 200 EMC 12" telescope. I want to test the Backyard EOS camera software which has the possibility with the help of ASCOM driver to control the telescope. Maybe you can also help me and say how to fill out the property form.Best regards, Lang